S.Y. Wang is another one of my Li/Lee Family relatives. His mother was a Li/Lee married into this Wang family. S.Y. is seven years my senior. thus a Big Brother and Mentor to me. More than that , I truly consider him a Valued Friend. When I was Young ( in my 30s) he provided me Encouragement, Sound Advice, and warm sense of Caring. Today ( I am now 88 and he 95 ), he still provides me, Feeling of Connectedness, Instant Responses to all my requests, and the Same Sense of Caring.
To me, the most remarkable traits in his character are his Intelligence, Compassion, and Trust Worthiness. “ A Man who generally prefers just few well-chosen words with thoughtful followup actions” is how I would describe him. A recent example is when I wrote to him and asked if he will be willing to share his thoughts on my Friendship & Friendshipolgy website https://MingSingLee.com. He instantly replied that it’s difficult for him to write essays these days but I may use the attached Chinese Calligraphy a professor friend wrote for him, to guide and inspire the younger generations.
The Chinese Calligraphy S.Y. sent me :

这句话出自《关尹子•三极》:“利害心愈 明,则亲不睦;贤愚心愈明,则友不交;是非心愈明,则事不成;好丑心愈明,则物不契。是以圣人浑之。”
Translated into English :
If one is overly concerned about personal benefits vs. losses, one will not be able to relate harmoniously with one’s family.
If one over emphasizes kindness and smartness, one will find it difficult to make friends.
If one worries too much about being Correct and Perfect, the less one will be able to achieve.
If one cares too much about Looking Good, the harder it is to be in true harmony with things.
Because of this the sages advised Nothing Extreme. ( Confucius’ Middle Way philosophy )

validate what I see as his significant traits : Intelligence, Compassion, and Trust Worthiness.
These are qualities we all truly appreciate in a Valued Friend.