My dear Billy,
For your collection of commentaries on friendship/friendshipology, I
offer these thoughts:
the wise men of old (be they Greek, Roman, Christian, Hebraic, Buddhist)
all pretty much said the same thing; we don’t need to invent or discover
new wisdom, we need only heed that which has already been discovered
love abides only if it is grounded in friendship
being friendly to others, even strangers, leads to empathy
attached are chapters from my chronicle which illustrate what I mean by
these commentaries
your friend,
BILLY’S COMMENTS: Fred is a dear Andover classmate. The chronicles he sent me recorded various trips he took around the country as a devoted Birder. I never imagined that a fast skating and never yielding varsity hockey player at Andover can also be so patient, caring, and compassionate. His chronicals focused on the people he met as well as the birds he was hoping to spot. In Savana, Georgia, he met a Black Senior who gave him $20 just because they had a friendly conversation.