Good morning dear Billy,
As partner in crime… friendshipology mission…I wish to homage Architecture Master William LEE with photographic Complicitas illustrating an architectural theme.. where friendshipology values are visualized by the communion between the hardest city manmade elements and the most delicate creatures of nature, flowers
I have choosen Manhattan as architectural theatre for this unique “play” to take place: my 3rd eye has directed steel, concrete, glass.. on where and how to host, in their tough fibres..the soft architecture of petals, pistils, leaves !!!
Actually I wish this eco-architectural fairytale, started years ago…, could inspire a symbolic harmony stemming both Love..Friendship among we people and Respect for mother Nature.
Furthermore, especially in these days thorned by social, climate and health issues, Manhattan in…friendshipology aspires to inspire the hope for. a better living, a more sustainable future.
Does it make sense to Master Architect Wllliam Lee ?
Cheers and enjoy !

Amalia’s Letter in Italian:
Caro Billy,
” Quale artista fotografa italiana, collaboratrice della missione Friendshipology, desidero rendere omaggio al Maestro Architetto William Lee con alcune mie Complicitas sul tema eco-Architettura, tese a visualizzare il concetto di Friendshipology attraverso la comunione-complicità tra elementi estremi: i manufatti più duri della città e le fragili creature della natura. i Fiori
Ho scelto Manhattan quale teatro dove mettere in scena questo spettacolo il cui regista, il mio 3° occhio, dirige ferro,acciaio, vetro, cemento armato su come e dove accogliere, nella durezza delle fibre, la fragranza di petali,gambi, pistilli, foglie…
Un’architettura surreale… una fiaba metropolitana, iniziata diversi anni orsono… una metafora dell’ Armonia tesa ad ispirareAmore, Amicizia tra le persone, nonché Rispetto per la Natura.
Soprattutto, specialmente in questi giorni devastati da problemi sociali, sanitari, climatici, Manhattan in… Friendshipology aspira a suscitare il fiorire della Speranza per una migliore qualità della Vita, dell’Ambiente… dono dell’ Universo. “
BILLY”S COMMENTS: I am trying to analyze what guidelines Amalia’s 3rd eye can teach us. In the Blending of Architecture and Nature Photos, I try to look for what Images are retained, what edges are refigured, what light focuses and what blurs, and what rhythms or shapes provide commonality or complements.Compare this art to the Art of Making Friends. Give and take but retain your true selves. The successful ones bring us Love and Joy.