( Prof. Grigg taught English Literary History, fine arts, cultural history, and world religion ,with an emhasis on Buddhism, Taoism, and Zen over twenty years. He now resides on Quadra Island, British Columbia, )

Following the TAO in Your Relationships, you can unlock a greater physical, aesthetic, and spirital understanding of yourself, and your partner, without losing your own individuality. Keep a balanced outlook in every aspect of your life. The Tao of Relationships celebrates the dynamics of body and mind that a man and woman in love can share when they learn the art of the sagely lover.

Give and there is Giving. Receive and there is Receiving. Seek without Expecting. Find without Taking. Receiving is a kind of Giving. Give as if Receiving and Receive as in Giving.

Why is it that at first Softness gives way to Hardness but Hardness finally gives way to Softness? Call it the TAO.

Practice Humility and do not try to get ahead of each other. A Winner requires a Loser. Retribution provokes Reprisal. What a foolish circle to be trapped within !

Rather than man taking woman or woman taking man, it is better when they are taken by each other.
Billy’s Comment: COLLABORATE – THE TAO WAY !