Billy Lee – June 2023
Many dear friends contributed articles to From our correspondences, I learned much more about my special friendship with each of them. Spontaneously I made up my own heart-felt words to describe these friends: “Always Encouraging” are those who never failed to write a few words to keep my spirit up. “Friends Through Friendshipology” are those who met through the website and discovered delightful inspirations for one another. Several friends were just kind to me. In order to keep me involved in their deep discussion, they indeed “Walked With Me – My Pace.” Several Friends inspired me with their newly published books and programs which indeed will benefit the World. I called them “ My Esteemed Friends of The World ”. There is a close group of classmates from Phillips Andover. We are not ordinary social friends. We connect via the Non Sibi Spirit taught at Andover. This morning, I discovered another special Friend. I like to call him “ My Fellow Connector and Pollinator”.

Billy’s Yale ’55 Classmate, Charlie Goodyear (From 50th Class Reunion Book )
Billy Wrote to Charlie and a few others on Jun. 16, 2023
My Good Friends,
You know I am a bit naive, but you also know that
sometimes I hit on some truly important ideas.
The attached article involves Promoting Compassion.
Empathy. and Friendship.
Can you help me fan the Spirit of CEF ?
Please share your good ideas and advice.
Thanks with warm affection always,
Billy – Ming Sing
PS: How about giving a new name to the THREE PEAKS in Yosemite National Park from “TheThree Brothers” to “ Monument of Three Virtues: COMPASSION, EMPATHY, and FRIENDSHIP ?”
Charlie Replied three days later:
Billy !! I sent your wonderful message to several of my friends ! Here is one of their responses. !! Best wishes ! Charlie
From: Eugene Cheston <>
Billy is on the right track and, BTW so are the Goodyears. Caring about others or words that have a similar meaning is what the great thinkers over the ages espoused as being the path to happiness. Said simply, making OTHER PEOPLE happy is the path to achieving our own happiness. Serving self is a ubiquitous reality, however in spite of what some may think, serving self is a path in the wrong direction-no question about. The more I learn about life, the more I seem to be able to navigate through complexity and onto fundamental truths-often expressed in those aphorisms I like so much.
Real treasure is not made of gold nor of substances that glitter; real treasure is created in the crucible of human relationships-Cheston
Compassion is always, at its most authentic, about a shift from self-preoccupation into a more expansive place of fellowship-author unknown
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile-Einstein
Our love, Elsie and Gene
Dear CHARLIE, Elsie and Gene,